“Uh huh.”
“You drank that much?! More than last weekend at Tattoo?”
“Uh huh.”
And the hunt for a brunch spot begins. Initially, DC and I were going to go to Café Atlantico’s “Latino Dim Sum”, but I was late leaving my house and didn’t get into the District until well after 1pm. The “Latino Dim Sum” was being served until 1:30pm and we were cutting it close. We skipped that plan and decided to just look for a place around Chinatown. We walked by Asia Nine, but they did not serve brunch. With one half of the party still sleepy and the other half incoherent, we were not in any shape to make important meal decisions. So, out come the Pre and the Blackberry. I used my OpenTable app to search for restaurants in the vicinity and one suggestion was Zengo. I have been there many times and love the food, but I have never been for brunch. In fact, I was not even sure if the place served brunch. I guess there’s no time like the present to find out! DC and I headed over, but much to our disappointment, the restaurant was closed. Ugh. Back to square one.
“You’re so cranky!”
“I just get like that when I’m starving. Hmm, do you eat dim sum?”
“Uh huh.”
“Hey, that’d be perfect. You need some grease to soak up all that alcohol. Let’s go to Tony Cheng’s!”
I have been there for dim sum and the food is perfect post-partying. The food was not too greasy, but just enough to settle my queasy stomach. The Steamed Shrimp Dumplings and the Pork Shui Mai were killer and the Tripe was cooked nicely. Spicy, but not overly so. The Roast Pork Rice Noodle Crepe was fantastic, though I wish I got the shrimp one instead. Between me killing the ice water (the waiter really should have just left the pitcher at our table), I filled my stomach with lots of "small loves", the direct translation of dim sum. And everything tasted so yummy that I dare not try to throw anything up! DC coerced me into trying this “amazing ball of goodness”, which I think was the Pineapple Bun, and I will admit it was good. However, it just wasn’t the same as my Egg Custard Tart. Now that is the bomb diggity! All in all, dim sum at Tony Cheng’s was pure awesomeness. The result?
“Oh my God. Food coma.”
"Uh huh."
Tony Cheng's Mongolian Restaurant
619 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

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