Considering that I just regained a friendship, I decided to pay homage to the situation by going to a place that is also worthy of a second chance. Truth is, I felt like taking a break, as I have cooked dinner for the past couple of days. My 'hood is really diverse, so I knew it wouldn't be difficult to find an awesome place to eat at on the Pike. I just needed to remember where I've gone before and have "blacklisted". Immediately, I thought of Matuba's.
Now before you gasp in horror, it's not what you think! The first time I went to Matuba's was fantastic; the only reason it got blacklisted is because someone I greatly dislike is a regular there. I prefer not to put myself in uncomfortable situations, so I have avoided this place like the plague for a year. Well, now is the time to buck up.
Before entering, I cased the joint with the prowess of a seasoned burglar. I peeked inside and breathed a sigh of relief. Almost empty, unfamiliar faces. Perfect. I was greeted by the standard "Irasshaimase!" heard in all sushi restaurants. Slightly surprised, I think I bowed. Ridiculous! I walked over to the sushi bar and sat myself down. Sue, the waitress, was so sweet and immediately got me some hot tea and the menu. Quickly, I scanned the menu and opted for the sushi dinner and some sushi a la carte. While waiting for my order, I chatted with the sushi chefs. They were polite and engaging, but very focused on their work. Good thing, because it was my food that they were working on!

I'm so glad that Vegas reached out and called me to patch things up. It gave our friendship another chance, and in turn, I gave Matuba a most-deserved second look.
2915 Columbia Pike
Arlington, VA 22204

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